Ancient & Early Christian Rome

The ruins of ancient Rome, and the simple Early Christian churches (many with later Baroque additions) are the bedrock of Rome. When traveling to the eternal city, the first layer of history which pops out throughout the city is the Ancient Period.  This can be found in surprising (Largo di Torre Argentina) and unsurprising locations (Roman Forum). Some ruins, like the Roman Baths of Diocletian, were later converted into churches by architects like Michelangelo Buonarroti (Santa Maria delgi Angeli). The houses of early Christian martyrs are often found as crypts underneath later church and basilica structures (Basilica di San Clemente and my favorite: Santa Cecilia in Trastevere). Traveling to these spaces multiple times with pen and paper is enriching, and prompts the desire for more!

Photo: Santa Cecelia in Trastevere: Courtyard


Baroque Rome


Public Spaces, Rome